Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bedtime Story by Anonymous

It is not all in your head
It is not just the wind
It is definitely something to worry about
The creaks are its jaws dropping slowly to the floor
Right outside your thin, fragile, weak door
That sound you hear outside
It is not the wind
But the undertaker whistling
 While he sweats and he smiles at your grave that hes digging
Shuffles are the horrors
In the corridors
The bumps down the stairs
Are creatures that seek to ensnare you
And rip you and eat you and tear you
They howl and moan to make your spirits fall
But if you let the fear subside
And your will to stay awake grow small
They will take advantage
The shadows cast by the moon do not belong to the trees branches outside
The dark corners of your room are not empty
They are home to the things that sneak and hide
In shadowy nests made out of children's teeth bones and clothes
The whistling’s not the wind it’s something else crawling through your window
So when you start drowsing and your eyes start to close
That's when they all start howling and their stomachs moan
And your blanket though cozy in bed
Holds no protection for you so thin-skinned
Against the creatures of the dark who are waking up now
And as your eyelids grow heavy alone in your bed
The monsters newborns prepare to be fed
Countless victims disappearing in their maws
With teeth shining silver in the moon
Never again to ever be saw